we love harrypotter. we love roonilwazlibs. we love dan. we love fawkes. we love davidtao. we love NANYANG WUSHU. we love stoning. We love breaking school rules. we love pirates of the caribbean. We love DADONG. we love chocolate. we love Johnny Depp. We love to sing crap. We love brainiac. We love ministry of mayhem. We love siberian huskies. we love golden retrievers. We love Comey. We love Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. We love the marauders. We love fred and George weasley. We love spongebob. We love root beer. We love HAMLET FROM IPOH. We love basically all food. We love being crappy. We love BROCOLI & CARROT. We love youtube. We love barney!!
We Love ì´ì‹ xD <meta name='google-adsense-platform-account' content='ca-host-pub-1556223355139109'/> <meta name='google-adsense-platform-domain' content='blogspot.com'/> <!-- --><style type="text/css">@import url(https://www.blogger.com/static/v1/v-css/navbar/3334278262-classic.css); div.b-mobile {display:none;} </style> </head><body><script type="text/javascript"> function setAttributeOnload(object, attribute, val) { if(window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }, false); } else { window.attachEvent('onload', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }); } } </script> <div id="navbar-iframe-container"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> gapi.load("gapi.iframes:gapi.iframes.style.bubble", function() { if (gapi.iframes && gapi.iframes.getContext) { gapi.iframes.getContext().openChild({ url: 'https://www.blogger.com/navbar.g?targetBlogID\x3d20575507\x26blogName\x3done-dog-world\x26publishMode\x3dPUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT\x26navbarType\x3dBLUE\x26layoutType\x3dCLASSIC\x26searchRoot\x3dhttps://fetch-a-frisbee.blogspot.com/search\x26blogLocale\x3den_US\x26v\x3d2\x26homepageUrl\x3dhttp://fetch-a-frisbee.blogspot.com/\x26vt\x3d1950553858326326172', where: document.getElementById("navbar-iframe-container"), id: "navbar-iframe" }); } }); </script> Hanakimi rocks xD
(Although it is possibly the gayest show ive ever heard of.)


i'm in gryffindor!
nanyang wushu team. (:
loves hp
The creator of 'the adventures of mopgirl X)
watch#16 COOKie'07
DT !!!!!
siberian husky.

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sword.& spear
I♥my 剑


NYWS JIAYOU! ☠ 1st:4 2nd:5 3rd:4 4th:4

四段剑 3rd. bronze
集体剑 1st. GOLD!!!


õ goldenretriever / siberianhusky
¯ guitar
È motorizr Z3
³ davidtaoCD, fahrenheit, mayday

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 gender
¯ davidtao, kellyclarkson, theveronicas
· harrypotterGOF, POTC, vanhelsing
º 93.3
¾ my girl, Potter Puppet Pals

² 爱失控 - energy
...... 爱到 - 飞轮海
...... 感情线 - Tension
...... 天使 - 五月天

N Fanlisting

Harry Potter Rawks! Harry Potter Rawks! Harry Potter Rawks! Harry Potter Rawks! Harry Potter Rawks! Quidditch.  Hogwarts championships dogs=) hersheys kisses!!! cafe latte crispy m&ms vanilla pudding cake mint icecream white chocolate gold pudding creme brulee cereal vanilla chinese food. -.- the picccys nice anyway. banana splits fred adn george marauder's map butterbeer emma watson cedric hp spells McFly hp students gryffindor sirius adn buckbeak founders george hp scar

N Stuff.

You Know You're Addicted to Harry Potter When...
You call your least favorite teacher Snape. You call your favorite teacher Dumbledore. You wear robes to school or work. You make "floo powder", get in the fire, and try to go to your friends' house. You have read all the books more than four times. You've been bookstore at midnight to get the latest Harry Potter book. You have a crush on one of the Harry Potter characters. You've gotten at least one of your friends addicted to Harry Potter. You actually caught the "Wand Order" mistake before you heard/read about it. You are upset at the New York Times for creating a seperate childrens best seller list because of the Harry Potter books. Using clues in the book, you have attempted to find the exact geographical location of Hogwarts. You have constructed a timeline of events in the Harry Potter books. You have attempted to figure out the exact ages of all the Weasley children? You have spent time contemplating which main characters will die by the time the series is over. You've been to see all the Harry Potter movies on opening night. You've read Harry Potter fanfic. You've written Harry Potter fanfic. You run a Harry Potter fansite. You say you love the new OoTP movie when it hasnt even screened yet. You visit Mugglenet daily. You've met other Harry Potter fans from online in real life. You've dreamed about Harry Potter. You have a Harry Potter poster on your wall. You've spent time doing a timeline to see if you would have been old enough to date a certain character when you were in high school. You own a hamster named roonil wazlib. You actually hate yourself coz you are supposed to be cancellin everything.

N Archives.

N Navigations

Wanna be part of this visual-headache-of-a-blog?

nyws nyws alumni mopgirl karlos xiaxue mugglenet

brenda cheryl chun hing clarisse deborah jiayun
kaiteng nat qianrou ruth siying weiqi weixin xiaojun
xueyi christabel yunting

charlene chuinyin elain fiona gekkie
hazrina huijin jiahui jodie lijun mindy orlooloo
rachel rouying weijing

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N tagboard.

Hits: hits we.love.roonil wazlib.


(飞轮海 )无解的眼神 心像海底针 
         光是猜测 我食欲不振 
         有点烦人 又有点迷人
( Hebe )   浪漫没天份 反应够迟钝 
         不够谨慎 花挑错颜色 
         但很矛盾 喜欢你的笨
(飞轮海 )微笑再美 再甜 不是你的 都不特别 
( Hebe )   眼泪再苦 再咸 有你安慰 又是晴天 
(飞轮海 )靠的再近 再贴 少了拥抱 就算太远 
( 合  )   全世界只对你[你]有感觉
(飞轮海 )玩的再疯 再野 你瞪一眼 我就收敛 
( Hebe )   马路再宽 再远 只要你牵 就很安全 
(飞轮海 )我会又乖 又黏 温柔体贴 绝不敷衍 
(  合  )   我只对你[你]有感觉
(飞轮海 )体贴却黏人 爱哭却温顺 
         有时天真 有时很邪恶 
         对你耍很 就是舍不得
( Hebe )   请吸收养分 让脑袋平衡 
         要你现身 动作慢吞吞 
         怎么承认 我非你不可

飞轮海 ** 吴尊* 汪东城* 炎亚纶* 辰亦儒
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
4:49 AM
By's bored brain bored outta the brain. whatever.

Im totally bored out of my brain.
somebody ask me out x(
(unless its for CIP,which is probably the most boring thing ever.)

I slept till three today. THREE!!!!!!!
now I still have a massive headache.
I think my brain is degenerating. or apoptosizing at an unusually fast rate.

Once again, lets blame mediacorp for screening so many lousy, outdated, low-class dumass shows that no one watches.
I have been surviving the past few days re watching So You Think You Can Dance, which is however, outdated. And shows I wanna watch screen 2 days a week only. oh bother.
My dad's com (the one im using) likes to auto shut-down every 2 hours. Screw it.
Nothing much to surf on the net either. Mugglenet has slow updates, fictionpress is getting old, neopets is boring, maplestory has bloody updating problems and blogger keeps hanging the com.

I think I shall go msn and bother some people.

HI DEBORAH (I know you cant see this. x/)
lucky girl.
Im stuck in singapore watching lanbeh shows.

Ohyea on friday me and kayu went to get flowers. I never knew flowers had to be refrigerated. We nearly died from frosting. Stayed there any longer and you can literally brush off ice flakes from us. brr.
We bought the cheapest flower. No point splurging for something thats gonna die fro our Bio SIA. HAHAHHA x) daisies they were. kinda flimsy though. but the faster they die the better it is. we dont have to make ten million trips to the bio lab to take bloody photos.

& mounts off.
- - - - - - - - - - - -

Sunday, May 20, 2007
7:09 AM

我觉得杨过这角色 还演得蛮好笑得 昨天有看的话就应该知道吧!
开始是有点看不顺眼的 现在好像看越帅哦~~~

刘亦菲演小龙女 就只有那两个表情
第一副就是呆呆的表情 给人感觉就整天发白日梦
第二副就是脸上带微笑 给人感觉还是在发白日梦
幸亏长得可爱 满耐看的
如果换是范文方什么鬼的 早就呼呼大睡了
其他版的神雕侠侣 小龙女曼丑的 杨过看起来怪怪的

惨了啦 一直想继续看...
我看干脆 一次过一个礼拜二十四小时把他看完算了 xP

& mounts off.
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Saturday, May 05, 2007
8:53 AM
Hey, its an update.
Just so that you know Im not dead yet x)

anyway today is miraculous.
because I finished my homework on saturday. SATURDAY!!!!!
This should be recorded in the guinness world records!!!!

So I went to read www.thesuperficial.com
and I read this post about britney. so I went to youtube it. ( See how boliao I can get?)
and so I took some screenshots, which are quite unbelievable.

How does somebody turn from this:

Into this?

So quickly?
ok im bored.
my brain is empty at the moment.
so this shall be the end of the entry.

& mounts off.
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